Wednesday 13 February 2019

Running SonarQube locally with Docker: End to End

Running SonarQube with Docker in local Environment

docker pull sonarqube

$ docker run -d --name sonarqube -p 9000:9000 sonarqube

Once the installation is complete open sonarqube in Browser


To see if the docker container is running in cmd  type 
docker container ls

ece799069a5f        sonarqube                                             "./bin/"           2 hours ago         Up 2 hours>9000/tcp   reverent_goldwasser

By default you can login as admin with password admin, see authentication documentation. 
In the dashboard:
Create New Project
Enter Project Key>SetUp
Generate the token and Copy it
Select the Project Main Language,I have selected JavaScript
Download and unzip the Scanner for macOS

Configure the environment path for SonarQube in .bash profile by giving the path of the bin directory of SonarQube.It will be something like this:


To analyze a javascript project navigate to the project directory and run 

sonar-scanner \
  -Dsonar.sources=. \ \


Running through configuration file 

Create file in the project directory to be scanned using command:


Add this configuration to run js,jsx file:

sonar.projectKey= ProjectName \



In the above code,sonar.javascript.file.suffixes=.js,.jsx will run only js,.jsx file other files will be ignored.
-sonar.sources will run the files in detox/e2e
-sonar.exclusions will exclude the node_module folder
Go to the project directory and run Sonar-Scanner 

Navigate to the Sonarqube Dashboard and Refresh,you will see the result something like this:

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