Mobile DeepLinking for Android and iOS Native Application
"MobileDeepLinking" How it can save your million Dollar and effort too!!
- Did you ever navigated from One Native Application to another Native Application without leaving the Application itself? You might not have really virtually felt it but you did.
- Have you ever authenticated one Native Mobile Application to open another Mobile application without exactly launching the Application? Ever used Tinder, authenticating your profile with Facebook?
- While reading any news,there was a tweet embedded into the Application and when you clicked on that you navigated to twitter?
If the answer to above question is yes, you have been using deep links!!
What are Deep Links:
Deep links are the URI uniform resource identifier that helps you to navigate on another Application with or without leaving the application like fb://profile
They are different from websites which have URL like
Deep linking’s for Mobiles are briefly bifurcated into two type's:
- Deferred deep links: The Native Application is not yet installed but deep links invokes you to install the application or opens the mobile browser and then navigated to the deep link URI
- Contextual deep link: The Native Application get’s launched when invoking the URI, remember Tinder Facebook relationship?
How can Deep Linking be useful?
I will be sharing here my real time experience with the best utilization of mobile deep linking in my previous project.
You have a native application for android, iOS, windows and responsive site. Now the requirement comes that we need to implement an MVP for hotels in a Travel Planner. It will require certain effort/reource to implement the MVP on android , iOS and responsive site platform but we don’t have that much time.
Any Solutions??
Now this is when Mobile Deep linking will come to our savior.
Now we will implement the MVP on responsive site and then access the MVP from responsive site in the native of the iOS and Android application.
Look’s simple,it’s not that simple when you will start testing it ;).
Use Cases for testing Mobile Deep Links
- UI issues and glitches on native applications Android and iOS
- Session handling, remember you are booking a Hotel and not 2 cent chocolate.
- Bit of security testing Authentication token/authorization handling in, may be a tech geek friend of your’s is spying you and tricks you to book hotel in his name by intercepting response.
- Localization Testing and Internationalization Testing, definitely I won’t like to view the website in any language that I don’t understand and my default language of native application was set to my native place.
- While accessing Mobile deeplinkings it’s recommended to use proper MobileDeepLinking URLS and iOS/Android libraries for the same.
Here are a few examples of deeplinks for popular apps on iOS:
Special thanks to TravelPort Digital and BCD Travel
Image Source: Google
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