Different terms/vocabularies/Tools used in automation Testing

Different terms/vocabularies/Tools used in automation Testing

Test runner — a tool that picks up files that contain unit tests, executes them and writes the test results to the console or log files. Mocha and Jasmine are two popular test runners used within the JavaScript community and TestNg/Junit in Java.
Assertion library — verifies the results of a test. Chai, Should, and Expect are examples of JavaScript assertion libraries and TestNg/Junit in Java.
Mocks — used in unit testing a component. A component under test has many dependencies. These dependencies are usually replaced by stubs or mocks. Stubs simulate a dependent object. Mocks offer an additional feature over stubs. With mocks, tests can be written to verify if the component under test has called the mocks as expected.
Mocking library — facilitates the usage of mocks in unit testing. Sinon and TestDouble are commonly used JavaScript mocking libraries and mockito in Java.

Other  Vocabs :
node.js - JS Environment
    Yarn - Package Manager
    npm - Package manager

Brew - Package manager

    OS level

Build Manager/task runner/Project manager

