Test Approach for Sign-in with Apple


Apple is planning to mandate "Sign in with Apple" feature for which the deadline has been set as April 2020 for all the app's having other 3rd party login integration like Google and Linkedin.
Though it give's some relaxation to some App which if they wish, can ignore to comply.More details can be found here

Examples of Use Cases

  • Allow users to create an account early in your app experience if your app has limited functionality without an account.
  • Allow users to create an account after interacting with features of your app. For example, to save progress or set up a profile.
  • Allow users to create an account after completing a purchase as a guest.
  • Allow users with existing accounts to sign in or reauthenticate to any version of your app or website.
Technical details can be found here

Test Case:

  1. Validate user logins with correct Email and Password.
  2. Validate user should not log-in with incorrect username and password.
  3. When there is not internet connection and user tap on sign-in with Apple "Message should be shown to connect with internet"
  4. Two factor authentication should work fine for login (If any).
  5. 5- Validate sign-in should work fine on both platform Android and iOS.
  6. Fetch Apple's public key to verify the ID token signature and validate the response should be 200 OK.
  7. Validate the authorization grant code with Apple to obtain tokens or validate an existing refresh token,if response is ok show 200 ok else error response 400 Bad request to be shown.
  8. User should not be logged out even after 1 hour of inactivity if auto refresh token is enabled.
  9. Sign in with apple should be on top than other sign-in option like FB
  10. AutoFill Credential Provider Entitlement, with user permission, provide user names and passwords for AutoFill in Safari and other apps.
  11. Test the functionality on different Devices and Screen Sizes.
Test Scope:

  • Unit Testing: For Backend and Front End (Native/Reactnative)
  • API Testing: Which will support integration of APPLE API
  • System Testing:Complete integrations testing to validate customer need which should be as per requirement.
