Installing Appium with WSL ( Windows Subsystem for Linux )

Make sure WSL  ( Windows Subsystem for Linux ) is  up and running on your windows.I will be using Debian command line environment.

Refer this post on how to setup WSL : IN PROGRESS

For installing Appium through WSL CLI we need



Note: It can also be installed using windows command prompt by running likewise command used in windows.

Check if node.js and npm are installed in your system by going to the WSL command line and typing the command

$ nodejs --version
$ npm --version

If they are not installed follow below steps:

Launch WSL Terminal ( In my case it will be Debian)

Start by updating the packages list by typing :

$ sudo apt update

Install the nodejs using the apt package manager

$ sudo apt install nodejs

To verify the Installation execute the following command :

$ nodejs --version

To be able to download npm package, you need to install the npm, the Node.js pacakge manager .To do so type:

$ sudo apt install npm

To verify the npm Install check using the command :

$ npm --version

To verify the npm Install check using the command :

$ npm --version

Install Appium with node.js by typing the following command,

$ sudo npm install -g appium

If you are getting any error/warning related to npm version error like this,


Type and enter below command to fix it to install to latest node version 

$ sudo npm i npm@latest -g

and run Appium command again

We will check if Appium is installed by typing the following command

$ appium -v

Start Appium by typing the following command and hit enter

$ appium

You will get something like this

Congratulations!! You have successfully installed Appium with WSL.

Happy Learning 😁
